An Ode to Veza Sur & Our Tigre Den Supporters

You never forget who supports you from the beginning and we are giving an ice cold cheers to our friends at Veza Sur, Miami’s Latin-fueled brewery, for helping the dream come to life. When we told them about the Tigre Sounds, we gushed about wanting to launch a Latin and global music brand that helped give a barely-tapped U.S. audience access to the freshest acts and genres from around the world.

At the heart of our many creative pursuits is our Tigre Den Live Recordings video series, where emerging artists get to tackle global classics in unique and eclectic ways. Veza Sur jumped on to make sure everyone’s thirst is quenched behind the scenes. Our homies at H&C Collective always have our backs, and thanks to them one of Miami’s most authentic Mexican eateries–Taquiza, has also been brought in for extra flavor that keeps the energy up on these long shoots. Another thanks to Costa Farms for donating their beautiful, red Anthuriums for our set.

Fast forward to the present, where our office has been transformed into this new sonic home–the official set for everyone to creatively collaborate with the music community. From musicians to illustrators, designers, audio engineers, producers, photographers, videographers and music lovers, everyone gets a warm welcome thanks to these pivotal supporters. We’re grateful to them for keeping the music and dream alive!

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