All photos by Megan McCluer

TIGRESA X Madre Mezcal Takeover

It all began in a deep conversation over mezcal, a warming, heart opening spirit that provokes channeling creativity and honoring what it means to be truly expressed. Ideas were free-flowing, like the movement you’ll see below. We came together as a female collective to intentionally bring what we believe is the celebration of The Divine Feminine, anchored about Madre Mezcal’s singularly magical story and flavors.

What happens when you mix feminine powerhouses like Madre Mezcal, singer/songwriter/dancer Gaiya, international playlist extraordinaires Tigre Sounds, and sensually expressive content from Creative Director and Videography Arlene Delgado of Altar Studio and gorgeous photography by Megan McCluer of Femine Forms Studio? Feminine energy at its absolute finest.

Madre Mezcal comes from the Garcia Morales Ranch, located in the rolling hills of the Oaxacan Sierra. What makes Madre different from other Mezcal is its intention. A spirit to sip on, dedicated towards opening the heart-chakra, connecting, and celebrating.

To prepare for creating visuals, we clinked our glasses together and tried Madre Mezcal for ourselves. We wanted to see what would happen when mixing beautiful, feminine expression alongside a unique heart-opener such as Madre. The results? Phenomenal. Sensitive. Wise. Of nature.

Local Miami dancer, singer, and songwriter, Gaiya is a mother herself, and seemingly a conduit for divine feminine expression. It’s in the way she moves her hands, her hips, and her feet. It’s in the many emotions that dance across her face. We trusted no other than Gaiya to embody this lioness energy, and to transmit the frequency into tangible forms. Feminine Forms.

As she started moving, as did the wind. An ode to the connection between body and spirit. A recognition of the link between woman and wild.

What Gaiya’s Tigre Den video here. And if you can’t sip on Madre right now, press play on this curated sonic selection to give you the same feeling.

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