5 Ways to Support Your Favorite Independent Artists Right Now Tigre·July 29, 2020There’s no denying that the pandemic has affected all of us at varying degrees, and since the music...CultureNews·0 Comments·0
Tigre Radar: YENDRY, a Dominican Rosalía Tigre·July 28, 2020You read that title right. If you’re a fan of the airy vocals, hip hop influences, and bubbling...New MusicProfilesSpotlights·0 Comments·0
A Look at Cuba’s Up and Coming Emcee, JD Asere Tigre·July 27, 2020Cuba, the Caribbean’s largest and often most contentious island, has always been recognized and acclaimed for its musical...New MusicSpotlights·0 Comments·0
Son Rompe Pera Releases New Video for “Mi Vida Sin Tu Amor” Tigre·July 24, 2020Born and raised in the deep outskirts of Mexico City, the Gama brothers are keeping alive the rich...New Music·0 Comments·0
Combo Chimbita is a Fierce New Voice to be Reckoned With Pola Bunster·July 22, 2020While many of us are suffering from over-stimulation during this information age, the access to knowledge has helped...ProfilesSpotlightsWorld Music·0 Comments·0
Song of the Week: “Dig My Feeling” – Willie Bobo Tigre·July 21, 2020For this week’s spotlighted song, we’re going back to a simpler time when the Latin and jazz genres...ProfilesSpotlights·0 Comments·0
5 Latin Bands You Have to See Live to Fall For Tigre·July 20, 2020Few things disappoint more than scoring tickets to see your favorite artist in concert only to discover that...Spotlights·0 Comments·0
Visual Artist Spotlight: Galletas Calientes Steph Rushton·July 17, 2020Taking their creative direction to the next level, record label Galletas Calientes’ releases feature captivating music and visuals,...CultureDesignSpotlights·0 Comments·0
Playlist Vol.10: ¡Quiubo Papá! Tigre·July 16, 2020Float over to Colombia’s many landscapes–from luscious valleys and crips beaches, to towering hills and mountains–on this cloud...Playlists·0 Comments·0
Llorona Records and Cerrero are Amplifying Colombia’s Diverse Culture Nicole Martinez·July 16, 2020Colombia’s Pacific coastline is a winding mass of jungle, hiding sprawling black sand beaches, wilderness, and communities of...SpotlightsWorld Music·0 Comments·0